Plans and Pricing

It’s free to sign up and use forever. Upgrade to Pro after your 14-day free trial ends to unlock more features.

No credit card required. Get your first insights in less than 10 minutes.

Basic insights for your organization
Get started
No credit card required
Weekly team insights
Company reports
Year-over-year trends
Team objectives
Jira integration
Deployment insights
Contact us
Advanced insights for high-performing teams
Weekly team insights
Company reports
Year-over-year trends
Team objectives
Jira integration
Deployment insights

Have questions about our plans? Contact us at


What is an active contributor?

We use active contributors — any member of your organization with activity in the past 30 days (e.g. created or reviewed a pull request) — to calculate your organization's size. Bots and collaborators outside your organization are excluded.

When am I billed each month?

You are billed at the beginning of each period. We charge a flat platform fee based on the size of your engineering organization.

Is there any commitment during the free trial?

No. You can sign up without a credit card, and continue using the product for free as long as you’d like. You can upgrade to Pro at any time.

Do you offer an annual discount? 

Yes, we currently offer annual discounts. For more information about pricing, you can schedule time to chat with our team.
Data Security

We keep your data secure

Trust and data privacy matter. Learn more about how we secure data ->
Source code protection
We never read, transmit, or store source code. We do not edit or modify code or files.
Data encryption
We encrypt all data at rest in databases, backups, and storage.
Read-only permissions
We request minimum permissions and use read-only API calls to analyze GitHub metadata.
SOC 2 compliance
SOC 2 compliant
We are fully SOC 2 compliant and partner with Drata to monitor our security posture.

Get started with better visibility and automation

Connect your tools and visualize your data in minutes. When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to your data.