Focus on what matters
Software’s advanced time tracking makes it easy for developers and teams to level up faster. Discover best code times, defend code time, see the impact of meetings, and improve work-life balance.
Software’s advanced time tracking makes it easy for developers and teams to level up faster. Discover best code times, defend code time, see the impact of meetings, and improve work-life balance.
See productivity trends compared to weekly and monthly averages. See how you stack up against the Software community of over 200,000 developers. Set goals to motivate performance.
Visualize meeting time versus code time. See how much coding happens during work hours versus nights and weekends. Schedule dedicated code times to improve productivity and reduce burnout.
We do not process, send, or store your proprietary code. We only provide metrics about programming, and we make it easy to see the data we collect.
We never share your individually identifiable data with anyone. When we roll up data into groups and teams, we keep data aggregated and anonymized.
We provide 90 days of data history for free, forever. We provide premium plans for advanced features and historical data access.
It only takes a minute to install a plugin. Plus, it’s free.
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